Lucy LEISA Bundle Liens ======================= collection: calibration ======================= --> There are multiple versions of “the same file” that are not well-explained. [This appears to be an error in sweeping up files for packaging for review. The files used are linked in the PDS labels.] --> Except for the collection.xml file, none of theses labels include the spacecraft as part of the Observing_System. Is this correct? Expected LID: 'urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.lucy' --> For calibration images, I don’t think images were displaying correctly in PDSViewer (likely an issue on my end, as it often pops up complaining that no display settings were found). collection: data_ega1_calibrated ================================ --> Attempting to reproduce the provided calibrated data by starting with the raw data. I do not get the same calibrated data when starting with the raw data and following the procedures in the SIS. Two issues: the bad pixel maps do not line up exactly and the calibrated data is different by a small amount. I hypothesize the provided calibrated data may have had a non-zero background subtracted from it. collection: document ==================== --> There are error messages in sections 2.2, 2.3.1, and 2.3.2 in the PDF file in the SIS. --> Minor typo on page 7 “an” should be “and” --> Table 2-1 inconsistency. Cross-track start and end of 192 and 1216  1025 (not 1024) --> There should be a ‘detector map’ to help understand the intricate details. the full 2D MCT detector. Shows masks. shows optimal science FOV. shows cross track direction and spectral direction of filters. --> There are some missing links ‘ Error! Reference source no found’ --> Table 3-1. Unclear why there are Didymos files mentioned (DART target) EN Review ========= calibration/*xml - In case this is accidental, none has a lid_reference to urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.lucy - disp:Display_Settings is missing. pds4_viewer orients the image vertically flipped from fv (the native? .fits viewer). - The two elements should swap values in: Last Index Fastest Line 1472 1 Sample 1024 2 because fv display the images as 1472 wide, so pds4_viewer should as well. data_ega1_raw/*xml - Each has a slightly incorrect lid_reference to a calibrated product, e.g. urn:nasa:pds:lucy.leisa:data_ega1calibrated:lei_0719078053_02200_sci should be urn:nasa:pds:lucy.leisa:data_ega1_calibrated:lei_0719078053_02200_sci data_ega1_raw/lei_0719078143_02201_eng_01.xml (& the others?) - For pds4_viewer to match fv visually, change frames 1472 1 xtrack 20 2 atrack 2168 3 to frames 2168 1 atrack 20 2 xtrack 1472 3 document/leisa_sis.pdf - Is EGA1 data going to be archived? If so probably add urn:nasa:pds:lucy.leisa:data_ega1_raw and _calibrated to Table 3-1.