Lucy LTES Bundle Liens ====================== Bundle ====== --> In the overview documents for collection, note that the HDF5 header attributes have also been mapped to PDS attributes, and their value stored there. --> In the data collections, there seems to be some confusion in the PDS4 labels about axis names of “samples” vs. “observations”. In PDS4 label context, “sample” is very definitely defined as the number of points along one of the array axes, whereas “observation” typically refers to the entire data structure, which results from one “observation”. If neither of these words are being used in the PDS4 sense, it is highly advisable to find different words to describe whatever these concepts are intended to be. --> The correlation between engineering data, calibration files, calibration equation, and calibrated data, needs to be clarified. This could be done in the SIS, the collection Overview, or as a separate document - whichever leads to less repetition and improves the odds of a new user finding the documentation. collection: data_ega1_raw ========================= --> The main issue with the ENG XML files is that the dimensions for the IFGM are switched. There should be 1414 samples for each interferogram. The number of observations will vary. collection: data_ega1_calibrated ================================ --> When bringing real data to review, please ensure that brightness temperature files contain meaningful data, rather than all zeroes. --> In the overview document, note the attributes in the PDS label that contains the wavenumber and laser wavelength. --> Did not understand how to correlate samples in ENG data to terms in calibration equation, therefore could not make sense of SCI file to perform my own calibration. Could revised file organization/naming make this clearer? Main confusion: not understanding which observations (rows) to actually use collection: document ==================== --> Consider providing an overview or summary of the data/workflow from raw to calibrated product for new users. --> Consider creating a document to map from the HDF5 headers into the PDS4 attributes. --> The Christensen et al. paper discusses wavenumber calibration and stability in section 6.5, specifying that the laser wavelength is 0.851 um, independent of temperature. Unless I missed it, the SIS does not discuss how the wavenumber range used in the SCI data products was determined. --> From last time – discussion of how to nightside measurements are ensured, example diagram refers to spherical targets and “1/8 diameter” offsets. Clarification for irregular shapes? --> Could there be a summary of how measurables become radiance? Emphasize basic path of IFGM -> vspec -> radiance -> temps -> geometry -> surface properties? However, table 2-3 in SIS covers much of this for me. --> Minor: Statement on which axis the DFT is performed on? This felt implied to me, especially since axis names (“observation” and “sample”) don’t make it sound obvious to me as a non-expert. “The LTES CDP module transforms the interferogram into a voltage spectrum. The transformation is done by performing Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) on the raw interferogram.” SIS --> Clarify that “uncalibrated” = “engineering” --> Consider adding details on how the wavenumber and related spectral characteristics are determined. Include relevant equations, if any. --> Page 4 figure 2-1 shows the geometry for scanning across a spherical body. If possible, please elaborate on the implications of scanning across a body which is significantly aspherical. --> Section, on page 9, states: “The transformation is done by performing Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) on the raw interferogram.” a) Should “Transform” be “Transformation”, and if not, what is the thing being performed?; and b) If it is a discrete Fourier transformation, along which axis of the array is it applied? --> The SIS contains data product tables for the uncalibrated and the calibrated data but not for the engineering data. This was somewhat problematic as the engineering data was provided for the pipeline review, but not the raw data. I able to query the engineering files to find the locations of the needed calibration coefficients. Christensen et al. paper --> Page 5: “TIM’ probably should be “TIU.” --> Page 18: Is this figure actually 5a? --> Page 19: Figure 5 has labeled the top of the figure with the wavelength values that correspond to the wavenumbers on the lower x-axis. The upper x-axis is useful, but the axis label is missing. This also applies to Figs 10a, 11, 12, 14 and 15. EN Review ========= data_ega1_calibrated/tes_seq_2022286_sci_l2_01.xml - This has slightly incorrect lid_references to raw products, e.g. urn:nasa:pds:lucy.ltes:data_raw:tes_0718933452_02051_eng urn:nasa:pds:lucy.ltes:data_raw:tes_0718933492_02052_eng ... should be urn:nasa:pds:lucy.ltes:data_ega1_raw:tes_0718933452_02051_eng urn:nasa:pds:lucy.ltes:data_ega1_raw:tes_0718933492_02052_eng ... - This file does not use the Display dictionary, which sets PDS4's orientation of the images. data_ega1_raw/*.xml - Each has a slightly incorrect lid_reference to the calibrated product, e.g. urn:nasa:pds:lucy.ltes:data_ega1calibrated:tes_0718933452_02051_sci should be urn:nasa:pds:lucy.ltes:data_ega1_calibrated:tes_seq_2022286_sci_l2_01.hdf - These files include but do not use the Display dictionary, which sets PDS4's orientation of the images. document/ltes_sis.pdf - Is EGA1 data going to be archived? If so probably add urn:nasa:pds:lucy.ltes:data_ega1_raw and _calibrated to Table 3-1.