L'LORRI Liens ============= Documentation ============= --> Why are the calibration data different compared to the last batch (LUCY DART observation)? --> “The calibration products fall into one of three categories, Flat Field files, Bias files, and T Offset files.” It’s not clear: A. What is the Mottola technique? Where is the description? This should be added to sis.pdf B. Did the calibration include using previously reviewed calibration files, T offsets and superbias? C. Dinky flat over llorri flat, both or one? --> Many documents' labels contain a description of the mission and instrument that needs to be updated with appropriate tense and necessary details. "will be located" >> "is located", "images will" >> "images", "will also be used for" >> "is used for" etc. --> Change "calibrated" to "partially processed" to be consistent. --> In the PDS4 XML label the exposure time is 30 s. And in the files llorri_toffsets_1x1.txt and llorri_toffsets_4x4.txt the exposure time is in ms with a max exposure of 999ms. Difference needs to be explained in SIS if not done so. --> The Texp is an array and should be Texp(i) or Texp(j) in the equation. However, in the equation it looks like a single value. file: calibration/collection_overview.txt --> The collection overview of the calibration is not consistent with the content. file: data_dinkinesh_partially_processed/collection_overview.txt --> Collection_overview.txt copied the raw overview, and needs to be changed accordingly. file: document/leisa_sis.pdf --> the calibrated data processing level is marked as N/A, will this level be available for the main mission phase? file: collection_overview.txt --> Please add the name of the files or the date of observations that correspond to this statement: "Prior to the Encounter phase, L'LORRI Optical Navigation images were taken from tCA = -59 to -5 days. Between tCA = -59 to -45 days, both 1x1 and 4x4 OpNav images are obtained every other day. Between tCA = -44 to -5 days 1x1 OpNav images are obtained at a daily cadence." file: 'document/collection_overview.txt' --> The Documents section mentions that documents are named in one of two ways, the first descriptive, the second being based on Open Access DOI. This second is not the case for filename, nor document title. It then starts to describe what a descriptive case might be, but ends up describing a single case in detail. Please clarify or correct this whole paragraph. Labels ====== --> Add the target NAIF ID if applicable. For (152830) Dinkinesh it is 920152830 (TARGETID in the FITS header). // --> Delete one of this block that you have twice in the raw data Lucy Data Processing Pipeline Lucy Science Operations Center Southwest Research Institute --> The Space Science Reviews paper is part of the document collection. I would remove the citation or add a comment explaining that it is the external source of this document's paper or change it from to --> In partially processed data, use Array_2D_Image for Error Image and Quality Flag Image if it is useful to display these arrays as images (with Display_Settings). --> References to calibration files should be LIDVIDs. --> There is much more information (description, comment, history) and values (current, voltage, temperature, exposure time) for “Raw pixel header values” and “Converted analog values” in the FITS header that would be valuable in the PDS4 XML label. Is this information somewhere else? --> Fix start_date_time and stop_date_time (2021-10Z) for calibration files. If no time is applicable, make N/A. files: Default_config.xml, llorri_flat_plasma_quartz_weighted_Mottola.xml, llorri_flat_plasma_quartz_weighted_rebin_4x4_Mottola.xml --> The Space Science Reviews paper is part of the document collection. Remove the citation or add a comment explaining that it is the external source of this document's paper. --> Make more descriptive. file: dinky_flat_1x1.xml, dinky_flat_4x4.xml --> Missing reference to SSR paper or SIS. file: collection_overview.xml --> Update the date <publication_date>2024-08</publication_date> file: Default_config.xml --> Add <Internal_reference> to the entire document collection instead of putting it in the <description>. file: collection.xml --> I would suggest the <title> to be Lucy LOng Range Reconnaissance Imager (L'LORRI) or to at least add “Lucy” to be consistent with the collection_overview.xml file --> Bundle lucy.mission is not archived yet. Be sure to archive these products and confirm LID reference. I also didn’t see it in the Lucy Mission Document collection <lid_reference>urn:nasa:pds:lucy.mission:document:lucy_mission_info</lid_reference> --> <Reference_List> < Internal_Reference >. Add LIDs and comments for the raw and partially processed data, calibration collection, document collection, overview document. --> <Primary_Result_Summary> Add <Science_Facets> for searchability. --> You have the purpose <purpose>Science</purpose> but Navigation in the PDS4 XML data labels. Multiple purposes can be added if applicable. file: 'bundle.xml' --> Need to add back the Modification_History for Version 1.0. --> For the v1.0 files, it is recommended to update the labels from IM to to match the rest of the collection. In theses cases the label version would change to v1.1 from v1.0. files: 'calibration/*.xml' (data products) --> Should any of these data objects have units? I don't see any specified. EN Review ========= lucy.llorri:calibration *.xml (many, not all) - Suggestion: to match the context products, change <name>Lucy Mission</name> <name>Lucy Spacecraft</name> <name>L'LORRI</name> to <name>Lucy</name> <name>Lucy</name> <name>Lucy Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (L'LORRI)</name> lucy.llorri:data_dinkinesh_partially_processed *.xml - Suggestion: to match the context products, change <name>DINKINESH</name> to <name>(152830) Dinkinesh</name> collection*.xml - Suggestion: to match the context products, change <name>Lucy Mission</name> <name>Lucy Spacecraft</name> to <name>Lucy</name> <name>Lucy</name> collection.xml - The product in this lid_reference isn't given here. Verify the LID is correct urn:nasa:pds:lucy.mission:document:lucy_mission_info In the 2023.05 review, many collection.xml had a lid_reference to urn:nasa:pds:lucy.mission:document:lucymissioninfo lucy.llorri:data_dinkinesh_raw *.xml - Suggestion: to match the context products, change <name>DINKINESH</name> to <name>(152830) Dinkinesh</name> collection*.xml - Suggestion: to match the context products, change <name>Lucy Mission</name> <name>Lucy Spacecraft</name> to <name>Lucy</name> <name>Lucy</name> collection.xml - The product in this lid_reference isn't given here. Verify the LID is correct urn:nasa:pds:lucy.mission:document:lucy_mission_info In the 2023.05 review, many collection.xml had a lid_reference to urn:nasa:pds:lucy.mission:document:lucymissioninfo lucy.llorri:document *.xml - Suggestion: to match the context products, change <name>Lucy Mission</name> <name>Lucy Spacecraft</name> <name>L'LORRI</name> to <name>Lucy</name> <name>Lucy</name> <name>Lucy Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (L'LORRI)</name> - Suggestion: add lid_reference to target collection.xml - The product in this lid_reference isn't given here. Verify the LID is correct urn:nasa:pds:lucy.mission:document:lucy_mission_info In the 2023.05 review, many collection.xml had a lid_reference to urn:nasa:pds:lucy.mission:document:lucymissioninfo