New Horizons KEM2 K7 Peer Review 10-11 Feb 2025 review by SBN:TB =============================================== NOTE: =============================================== Comments for: General comments for all bundles/collections The data collection directories can be a bit overwhelming with so many files. Suggest creating a subdirectory structure to help those that may browse the archive. For all new/updated labels, we will need to update the to 2025. Required dictionaries not released at time of delivery. Please reach out to dictionary stewards to get these released/ingested: --> PDS4_IMG_1J00_1900 (this version is missing for 1J00, so used GetHub PDS4_IMG_1J00_1910 for validation without issue, but this version is also not released) --> PDS4_SP_1J00_1320 --> PDS4_SB_1J00_1110 (This version ID was released after this delivery, and appears to function properly.) --> PDS4_NH_1J00_1100 (This version ID was released after this delivery, and some updates to the labels need to be made, as well a new dictionary version to include REX changes.) data labels: --> The Citation_Information.description states the user should look at the parent collection for complete citation information. This is not appropriate. Referenced context objects use short name instead of name value for the context object. bundle.lblx --> Recommend expanding from "New Horizons [INSTRUMENT] Bundle" to "New Horizons [INSTRUMENT] Data Archive" or at least include "Data". "Bundle" is also PDS4 jargon, which is best to avoid. collection.lblx --> For KEM1, <title> and abstract (i.e. <description>) appears to be for entire mission, not just encounter phase. Please correct. --> Note that for any collection that is not v1.0, we will need to update the inventory file to include those files in the prior version of the collection that should be included. --> Please coordinate with SBN for DOI production for all collections. --> Suggest include funding source in the <description>. (IM 1J00 does not include <Funding_​Acknowledgement>) --> Ensure that the Citation_Information.description unique to the collection, and contains enough information. <Reference_List> for labels --> Please add to each reference in the Referene_List a brief <description> (for external references) or <comment> (for internal references) to give a clue to the user why this reference was included so the user knows why they may want to look at it. For instance, a brief KEM2 mission overview or XYZ instrument description. Do not assume the LID (PDS4 jargon) will clue a user into what is being referenced. --> All collections that have an overview document of the collection should have a LIDVID reference (not LID, as they are unique to each version of the collection) added to it included in the <Reference_List>. --> Do not assume that listed references in the bundle are inherited in the collection. If it is important to reference for the individual collection, please also include in the collection's <Reference_list>. --> Calibrated/derived data collections should reference the data they are calibrated/derived from. In the case of kem2_cal, it would be kem2_raw. You may consider using Source_Product_Internal instead of Internal_Reference. In either case you should use LIDVID, not LID. Note that for collection and bundle titles, we are trying to expand all acroynms (and include them in paraphasis) to make them more findable in literature searches. Similarly for collections we want to include information in the citation descriptions to make the data more findable. =============================================== Comments for: nh_documents Note that mostly seq_* have been produced. --> Alice: Only new seq_* files --> LORRI: includes scan_rates for kem1 (updated) and kem2 (new) and seq* Add Context_Area to most products, and add: --> Investigation_Area(s) --> Observing_System (Host and Instrument) if relevant file: 'nh_documents/bundle.lblx' --> States this is version 3.0, but it should be a later version (v5.0 as of 2024-12-12). SBN will coordinate with the NH SOC to clean this up to be the latest version_id and include modification_history. --> Recommend bringing Gobat and Crombie to head of list of editors due to their most recent updates for each collection. Recommend list being: "Gobat, C.; Crombie, M.K.; Gicquel, A.; Raugh, A.; Hirsch, B.; Sharkey, B.; Barnes IV, T.F.; Lawton, P;" files: 'nh_documents/lorri/scan_rates_kem1.*' --> Note: This table is unchanged from the released version (w/ filename scan_rates.*, with same LID), but the label has been updated to v1.1. --> --> No need to rename the data file. Renaming the LBLX file is fine, just point to the old data filename (we don't want to change the name in the archive since the data file's contents are unchanged). But suggest updating the <title> and Citation_Information.description to reflect it is for KEM1 Encounter data only, and update the modification_history description. file: 'nh_documents/mission/collection.lblx' --> text ordering: <editors> "T.F. Barnes IV;" => "Barnes IV, T.F.;" --> typo (due to old version inheritance): line 31 "Barnres" => "Barnes" file: 'nh_documents/mission/nh_mission_trajectory.lblx' --> line 66: Update the <name> to be for KEM2 not KEM1. --> line 276: Sanity check the subtle change from "(2000-01-01T12:00:00 UTC)" to "(2000-01-01T12:00:00 TDB)" for J2000 epoch time. file: 'nh_documents/mission/soc_inst_icd.lblx' --> line 66: "Mission 1" => "Mission" for mission.new_horizons_kem1 <name> file: 'nh_documents/pepssi/collection.lblx' --> Please remove the period at the end of the <title>. --> Update the <editors> to include those from v1.0 (Gicquel, Adeline; Redfern, Jillian) --> Update the Modification_Detail for v1.0 to match. file: 'nh_documents/pepssi/pep_bti.lblx' --> line 61: Update the <name> to be for KEM2 not KEM1. Reference LID is for KEM2. file: 'nh_documents/pepssi/seq_pepssi_kem1.lblx' --> typo line 145: "Spacecraft clock" => "Spacecraft Clock", capitalize the 'c' in 'clock' file: 'nh_documents/ralph/collection.lblx' --> Update the <editors> to include those from v2.0 (Hirsch, B.; Sharkey, B.; Gicquel, A.; Barnes IV, T.F.; Redfern, J.) files: 'nh_documents/rex/*' --> Note that the migrated v1.0 of this collection is using IM SBN may update the labels to this version. files: 'nh_documents/rex/collection.lblx' --> Please remove the period at the end of the <title>. --> Update the <editors> to include those from v1.0: "Raugh, Anne C.; Gicquel, Adeline; Hirsch, Benjamin; Redfern, Jillian" --> Update the Modification_Detail for v1.0 to match. files: 'nh_documents/rex/rex_agcgain*.lblx' --> Recommend keeping the <title>, <Citation_Information>, and <Context_Area> from the version 1.0 products in these v2.0 products. file: 'nh_documents/rex/rex_activities_kem.lblx' --> Need to confirm the LID for this product, since it is v2.0. files: 'nh_documents/sdc/collection.lblx' --> Please remove the period at the end of the <title>. --> Update the <editors> to include those from v1.0 (Gicquel, A.; Redfern, J.) --> Update the Modification_Detail for v1.0 to match. file: 'nh_documents/sdc/sdc_chn_lvl_dn.lblx' --> Recommend keeping the Citation_Information.description from v1.0 product label. file: 'nh_documents/sdc/documents/sdc_stim.lblx' --> Recommend moving most of the Citation_Information.description to the File.comment as was done with v1.0 of this product. directories: 'nh_documents/swap/kem[12]_summary_plots' --> These should each be moved to their own collection in the nh_swap bundle as discussed after this delivery. --> There should be one label per summary plot, instead of one label for each time division. --> Recommend generating these files for all KEM1 Encounter data, not just for data delivered during KEM2 (K6 & K7). --> Per conversation between SBN:LF/PL and NH-PJ in Oct 2024, for each label, there was a problem with the units describing each panel. Below is a corrected description (wording can change): 1) The top panel is Coincident (COIN) Count Rate in [Hz] detected in each energy bin. 2) The 2nd panel is the Total Coincidence Count Rate [Hz] for all the energy steps in a coarse scan 3) The 3rd panel is a color-coded indication of operating parameter settings 4) The 4th panel is the Sun theta angle [deg] in spacecraft coordinates (Red is a zoomed view) 5) The 5th panel is the Sun phi angle [deg] in spacecraft coordinates (Red is a zoomed view) 6) The 6th panel is either the Jupiter-to-Spacecraft distance in Rj, or the Sun-Spacecraft-Earth angle [deg], as labeled. =============================================== Comments for: nh_alice Note: No updated calibration_files collection delivered. Unknown LID references: --> urn:nasa:pds:nh_alice:calibration_files:pa_row_offset_001 (found in 486 labels) Context Reference Name mismatch: Within the PDS label(s), please fix/update the <name> values for these LID references: --> urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:nh.alice - "Alice" to "Alice Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph" --> urn:nasa:pds:context:target:astrophysical.cosmic_background - "Cosmic Background" to "Cosmic Background Radiation" (note that C. Gobat created this context object) --> urn:nasa:pds:context:target:star.eps_cma - "Epscma" to "Epsilon Canis Majoris" --> urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.nh - "New Horizons Spacecraft" to "New Horizons" --> urn:nasa:pds:context:target:calibrator.test_image - "Unknown" should probably be something else. The expected value is "Test_Image", but this may not be appropriate. Is there a better target LID to be used or created, or should the target LID be dropped. In either event, "Unknown" is most likely not a good <name> for this target. Ex: nh_alice/kem2_cal/ali_0553363484_0x4b1_sci.lblx file: 'nh_alice/bundle.lblx' --> Please correct the <name> back to "New Horizons Alice Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph Instrument Archive Bundle" as found in v1.0. --> The Modification_History entry for v2.0 is misleading. Suggest to say new KEM2 data collections for K7 delivery provided by New Horizons SOC (or something similar). --> Missing the Investigation_Area for KEM and KEM2. Currently only NH exists. Please add. --> The <Bundle_Member_Entry> for calibration_files should have the <reference_type> corrected back to "bundle_has_calibration_collection" from "bundle_has_data_collection". files: 'nh_alice/kem2_{raw,cal}/collection.lblx' --> Please update the Citation_Information.description (I.e. Abstract of the collection). It currently matches that of the bundle and is not a relevant reflection of the collection. Recommended to include any highlights for the instrument, time range and/or mission phase of data, primary target(s) if any, instrument full name, the text "New Horizons", data processing level, and any big version changes (i.e. added data or re-calibrated). Also, see the released kem1 v1.0 collections for examples. --> Recommend slightly expanding the Modification_History to say for K7 delivery. --> Please add appropriate Science_Facets to the Context_Area.Primary_Result_Summary --> In the Reference_List, please add the Internal_Reference to the overview document with a LIDVID. --> Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the nh_documents:mission and nh_documents:[instrument] collections. References are not inherited from the bundle.lblx. --> Reference_List: I believe that the internal_Reference to urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:mission:nh_mission_overview (the New Horizons mission overview), should probably instead go to the KEM2 mission overview (urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:mission:nhkem2_mission_overview). --> kem2_raw only: Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the corresponding kem2_cal LID and the calibration_files LID. --> kem2_cal only: Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the corresponding kem2_raw LIDVID and the calibration_files LIDVID. file: 'nh_alice/readme.txt' --> Should we update the NH SOC contact to be Joel Parker? files: 'nh_alice/kem2_*/ali*lblx' --> display direction unknown per PDS4Viewer? (images flipped on x-axis between PDS4Viewer vs DS9) --> The keyword "nh:ALICE_Details" should be "nh:Alice_Details". Note the change in case. --> The keyword value for <nh:detector_name> should be changed from "ALICE spectrograph" to "Alice spectrograph" --> Suggest using meta kernel(s) instead of specifying each individual spice kernel, if appropriate. --> kem2_cal only: Reference_List: Note that in general, when calibrated products are referencing calibration products or source raw product, they should be LIDVID references, not LID references since the user needs to know exactly what file was used to produce the product they are looking at, not the most recent version of that calibration or raw product. This is done for some, but not all such cases in these calibrated data product Reference_List. file: 'nh_alice/kem2_*/ali_0553363484_0x4b1_*.fit' --> primary image is blank, all zeroes. Is this correct? =============================================== Comments for: nh_leisa Note: No updated calibration_files collection delivered. file: 'nh_leisa/bundle.lblx' --> Missing the Investigation_Area for KEM. Currently only NH exists. Please add. --> The Citation_Information.description mentions that the data is raw and processed, and there are calibation files to calibrate from raw to processed. Why "processed" instead of "calibrated"? The data collections imply "Calibrated", as did the migration work. --> The Modification_History entry for v2.0 is misleading. Suggest to say that updated KEM1 data collections for K7 delivery provided by New Horizons SOC (or something similar). --> Reminder to backfil Modification_History entry for v1.0. --> The <Bundle_Member_Entry> for calibration_files should have the <reference_type> corrected to "bundle_has_calibration_collection" from "bundle_has_data_collection". Unknown referenced LIDs: --> urn:nasa:pds:nh_leisa:calibration_files:cal_map_pflat4x --> urn:nasa:pds:nh_leisa:calibration_files:flat_map_pflat4x --> urn:nasa:pds:nh_leisa:calibration_files:pixel_map_20160824 Context Reference Name mismatch: Within the PDS label(s), suggested to fix/update the <name> values for these LID references to be consistant: --> urn:nasa:pds:context:target:trans-neptunian_object.486958_2014_mu69 to "(486958) Arrokoth" --> --> Found: "Arrokoth" or "Asteroid 486958 (2014 Mu69)" --> urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:nh.leisa to "Linear Etalon Imaging Spectral Array" --> --> Found: "Ralph LEISA" or "LEISA" --> urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.nh to "New Horizons from ""New Horizons Spacecraft" files: 'nh_leisa/kem1_{raw,cal}/collection.lblx' --> The <title> does not differentiate between KEM1 Encounter data and KEM Cruise 1 data. Recommend using the title listed in v1.0. --> Citation_Information.description: Please add mention of the primary target Arrokoth. Also please add any big changes from v1.0 to v2.0 (i.e. adding data, recalibration, etc). --> --> Recommend to add the text from PDS3 K5 (please edit as appropriate): "This data set contains LEISA observations taken for functional testing, Radiometric Calibration, Solar Illumination Assembly Flat Field, and Arrokoth Encounter operations, including a test of a slow scan rate. Many LEISA Composition and System Scans along with some LEISA Scans as a LORRI Rider." --> --> Spelling out LEISA is also highly recommended to help with find-ability in either (or both) the <title> or <description>. --> Citation_information.editor_list: Recommend adding back editors from v1.0 due to the bulk effort of v1.0 compared to small additions to v2.0. Feel free to reorder. --> In the Modification_History for v2.0, please further expand the <description> to mention added additional data and/or versioning prior data products and is for K7 delivery. --> Please add appropriate Science_Facets to the Context_Area.Primary_Result_Summary --> Ensure the start_date_time and stop_date_time values reflect the entire collection (including v1.0 products) instead of just the new/updated contents found in v2.0. --> The Investigation_Area should be for mission.new_horizons_kem1 not mission.new_horizons --> In the Reference_List, please add the Internal_Reference to the overview document with a LIDVID. --> Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the nh_documents:mission and nh_documents:[instrument] collections. References are not inherited from the bundle.lblx. --> kem1_raw only: Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the corresponding kem1_cal LID and the calibration_files LID. --> kem1_cal only: Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the corresponding kem1_raw LIDVID and the calibration_files LIDVID. --> Reference_List: The reference to urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:mission:nh_mission_overview is for the New Horizons prime mission, not either extended mission. Should it point instead to the KEM1 or KEM2 mission overview? files: 'nh_leisa/kem1_{raw,cal}/lsb*lblx' --> Note: Confirmed no duplicate redelivered LIDs from KEM1 v1.0. --> Observing_System_Component for LEISA says the <name> is LEISA and gives a description giving the fullname. Please just put the fullname in the <name> instead. --> Suggest using meta kernel(s) instead of specifying each individual spice kernel, if appropriate. --> Please add units for fields that should have it. Please confirm correct before implementing: --> --> For the volt related Field_Binary, assuming need to add <unit>volt</unit>. Ex fields of <name>: POS_12V, NEG_12V, POS_5V, NEG_5V, LEISA_VDDA, etc. In many cases these units were found in the DESCRIPTION in the PDS3 description instead of in the UNIT keyword. --> --> Is there a unit for MVIC_TEMP or LEISA_TEMP? --> Please add a <description> to the Table_Binary <Field_Binary> entries. What these fields are are not always explicit in the the name, nor should it be assumed. In the PDS3 labels, descriptions were provided. files: 'nh_leisa/kem1_cal/lsb*lblx --> calibrated Indexes 6,13,15 Per-pixel pointing vectors: Suggest changing this from Array_3D to Array_3D_Image to conform with PDS migrated effort and what was in PDS3 labels. --> calibrated index 13 typo in <name>: "Per-pxel" to "Per-pixel" --> Reference_List: Note that in general, when calibrated products are referencing calibration products or source raw product, they should be LIDVID references, not LID references since the user needs to know exactly what file was used to produce the product they are looking at, not the most recent version of that calibration or raw product. --> For the Array_3D_Spectrum object, there is no unit specified. Should it be: <unit>erg s**-1 cm**-1 Angstrom**-1 sr**-1</unit> files: 'nh_leisa/kem1_{raw,cal}/overview.* --> Please version this VID to 2.0 from 1.0, since 1.0 is released and publicly available. --> Strongly suggest using the overview document DOCX from v1.0 and updating it. =============================================== Comments for: nh_lorri Note: No updated calibration_files collection delivered. No snapshot browse files provided as in the past. Context Reference Name mismatch: Within the PDS label(s), suggested to fix/update the <name> values for these LID references to be consistant: --> urn:nasa:pds:context:target:trans-neptunian_object.2020_ks11 to "2020 KS11" from "2020Ks11" --> urn:nasa:pds:context:target:trans-neptunian_object.486958_2014_mu69 to "(486958) Arrokoth" --> --> Found: "Arrokoth" or "Asteroid 486958 (2014 Mu69)" --> urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:nh.lorri to "LOng Range Reconnaissance Imager" from "LORRI" --> urn:nasa:pds:context:target:astrophysical.cosmic_background to "Cosmic Background Radiation" from "Cosmic Background" (note that C. Gobat created this context object) --> urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.nh to "New Horizons" from "New Horizons Spacecraft" file: 'nh_lorri/bundle.lblx' --> Missing the Investigation_Area for KEM and KEM2. Currently only NH exists. Please add. --> The Modification_History entry for v2.0 is misleading. Suggest to say that new KEM2 and updated KEM1 data collections for K7 delivery provided by New Horizons SOC (or something similar). --> The <Bundle_Member_Entry> for calibration_files should have the <reference_type> corrected to "bundle_has_calibration_collection" from "bundle_has_data_collection". files: 'nh_lorri/kem1_{raw,cal}/collection.lblx' --> The <title> does not differentiate between KEM1 Encounter data and KEM Cruise 1 data. Recommend using the title listed in v1.0. --> Should Hal Weaver remain as an author (not necessarily first) of these v2.0 collections due to the bulk of these data products being from K5 and prior, he being the first and only author? --> Citation_information.editor_list: Recommend adding back editors from v1.0 due to the bulk effort of v1.0 compared to small additions to v2.0. Feel free to reorder. --> Please update the Citation_Information.description (I.e. Abstract of the collection). It currently matches that of the bundle and is not a relevant reflection of the collection. Recommended to include any highlights for the instrument, time range and/or mission phase of data, primary target(s) if any, instrument full name, the text "New Horizons", data processing level, and any big version changes (i.e. added data or re-calibrated). I would strongly consider using the one from v1.0 and updating as necessary. --> In the Modification_History for v2.0, please further expand the <description> to mention added additional data and/or versioning prior data products. --> Ensure the start_date_time and stop_date_time values reflect the entire collection (including v1.0 products) instead of just the new/updated contents found in v2.0. files: 'nh_lorri/kem[12]_{raw,cal}/collection.lblx' --> for kem*_cal only: The <title> and <processing_level> claim this data to be Calibrated, but I believe it was determined to be partially processed. --> Add a period after "L" in "Brown, L" within the <author_list>. --> Please expand the Citation_Information.description (I.e. Abstract of the collection). Recommended to include any highlights for the instrument, time range and/or mission phase of data, primary target(s) if any, instrument full name, the text "New Horizons", data processing level, and any big version changes (i.e. added data or re-calibrated). See other releases from the NH SOC earlier in the mission for examples. --> Recommend slightly expanding the Modification_History to say for K7 delivery. --> Please add appropriate Science_Facets to the Context_Area.Primary_Result_Summary --> In the Reference_List, please add the Internal_Reference to the overview document with a LIDVID. --> Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the nh_documents:mission and nh_documents:[instrument] collections. References are not inherited from the bundle.lblx. --> kem*_raw only: Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the corresponding kem*_cal LID and the calibration_files LID. --> kem*_cal only: Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the corresponding kem*_raw LIDVID and the calibration_files LIDVID. --> Reference_List: The reference to urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:mission:nh_mission_overview is for the New Horizons prime mission, not either extended mission. Should it point instead to the KEM1 or KEM2 mission overview? files: 'nh_lorri/kem*/lor_*.lblx --> Add a period after "L" in "Brown, L" within the <author_list>. --> Is the precision of the sart/stop_date_time values correct? Previously they were "Thh:mm:ss.dddZ" but now are Thh:mm:ss.ddddddZ" --> Observing_System_Component for LORRI says the <name> is LORRI and gives a <description> giving the fullname. Please just put the fullname in the <name> instead. --> In the migrated effort by SBN, the reference <lid_reference>urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:mission:subframe_window_summary</lid_reference> was added. Consider if this is appropriate to add for any of your windowed data products. This comment accompanied the reference:: < <comment>This document provides some explanation regarding the use of < subframes in some New Horizons instrument data (MVIC, LEISA, and LORRI) < as well as the source and significance of the "Window Mismatches" table < included in some raw data products. "Windows", in this case, refers to < pixels downloaded at various times, rather than a mosaicking process. < No single "window" necessarily defines all pixels with data in the image.</comment> --> Suggest using meta kernel(s) instead of specifying each individual spice kernel, if appropriate. files: 'nh_lorri/kem*_cal/lor_*.lblx --> The <processing_level> claims to be "Raw" but I believe it should be "Partially Processed" --> Reference_List: Note that in general, when calibrated products are referencing calibration products or source raw product, they should be LIDVID references, not LID references since the user needs to know exactly what file was used to produce the product they are looking at, not the most recent version of that calibration or raw product. This is done for some, but not all such cases in these calibrated data product Reference_List. --> For the "LORRI Error Image" and "LORRI Quality Flag Image" objects, consider changing its type from Array_2D to Array_2D_Image and provide display information as was done in v1.0 of KEM1 data collections. --> --> Also please consider adding a slightly more verbose description of these objects to help the user know what is good vs bad values. --> --> In the migrated effort, these values are also defined for the user in <sb:Ancillary_Data_Objects> <sb:Quality_Maps> so the user is not guessing what the values mean. --> The Quality Map's <value_offset> should be changed from 0 to 32768.0 Versioned data products expected found, but they currently state they are version 1.0, but should be v2.0: * urn:nasa:pds:nh_lorri:kem1_raw:lor_0408617170_0x630_eng::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_lorri:kem1_raw:lor_0408617171_0x630_eng::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_lorri:kem1_raw:lor_0408617244_0x630_eng::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_lorri:kem1_raw:lor_0408617245_0x630_eng::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_lorri:kem1_cal:lor_0408617170_0x630_sci::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_lorri:kem1_cal:lor_0408617171_0x630_sci::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_lorri:kem1_cal:lor_0408617244_0x630_sci::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_lorri:kem1_cal:lor_0408617245_0x630_sci::1.0 --> Also please add modification_history, mentioning new data and reprocessed labels. files: 'nh_lorri/kem1_{raw,cal}/overview.* --> Strongly suggest using the overview document DOCX from v1.0 and updating it. =============================================== Comments for: nh_mvic Note: per 2024-12-11 email between SBN-TB and NH-JWP, the calibration_files::2.0 and kem1_cal::2.0 and kem1_raw::2.0 collections are withdrawn as they do not provide anything new. Context Reference Name mismatch: Within the PDS label(s), suggested to fix/update the <name> values for these LID references to be consistant: --> urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:nh.mvic to "Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera" --> --> Found "Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera (MVIC)" and "Ralph MVIC" --> urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.nh to "New Horizons" from "New Horizons Spacecraft" --> urn:nasa:pds:context:target:star_cluster.ngc_3532 to "NGC 3532" from "Ngc3532" file: 'nh_mvic/bundle.lblx' --> Missing the Investigation_Area for KEM and KEM2. Currently only NH exists. Please add. --> The Modification_History entry for v2.0 is misleading. Suggest to say that new KEM2 data collections for K7 delivery provided by New Horizons SOC (or something similar). --> Reminder to backfil Modification_History entry for v1.0. --> Correct member calibration_files, kem1_cal, and kem1_raw version from 2.0 to 1.0 --> The <Bundle_Member_Entry> for calibration_files should have the <reference_type> corrected to "bundle_has_calibration_collection" from "bundle_has_data_collection". files: 'nh_mvic/kem2_{raw,cal}/collection.lblx' --> for kem*_cal only: The <title> and <processing_level> claim this data to be Calibrated, but I believe it was determined to be partially processed. This is properly reflected in the data labels. --> Please expand the Citation_Information.description (I.e. Abstract of the collection). Recommended to include any highlights for the instrument, time range and/or mission phase of data, primary target(s) if any, instrument full name, the text "New Horizons", data processing level, and any big version changes (i.e. added data or re-calibrated). See other releases from the NH SOC earlier in the mission for examples. --> Recommend slightly expanding the Modification_History to say for K7 delivery. --> Please add appropriate Science_Facets to the Context_Area.Primary_Result_Summary --> In the Reference_List, please add the Internal_Reference to the overview document with a LIDVID. --> Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the nh_documents:mission and nh_documents:[instrument] collections. References are not inherited from the bundle.lblx. --> kem2_raw only: Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the corresponding kem2_cal LID and the calibration_files LID. --> kem2_cal only: Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the corresponding kem2_raw LIDVID and the calibration_files LIDVID. --> Reference_List: The reference to urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:mission:nh_mission_overview is for the New Horizons prime mission, not either extended mission. Should it point instead to the KEM1 or KEM2 mission overview? --> Is the only primary target for this mission phase for this instrument "space"? I see observations of other targets as well, but they may not be primary targets. data files: 'nh_mvic/kem2_{raw,cal}/m*lblx' --> Suggest adding <wavelength_range> --> kem2_cal only: Reference_List: Note that in general, when calibrated products are referencing calibration products or source raw product, they should be LIDVID references, not LID references since the user needs to know exactly what file was used to produce the product they are looking at, not the most recent version of that calibration or raw product. This is done for the flat, but not the referenced raw product. --> Suggest using meta kernel(s) instead of specifying each individual spice kernel, if appropriate. --> kem2_raw only: For the first Array_2D_Image "Observational Image", if the following description for windowed data is true, please add missing_constant of -1 unders Special_Constants at the end of the object. This array contains data only for pixels within the window(s) defined by the Subframe(s) listed for this product. Other pixels have been set to -1.0, the defined "missing_constant". --> --> Similar situation for kem2_cal error array and Data quality array objects. --> kem2_raw only: For the Table_Binary Housekeeping, please add back the descriptions of each field to give a user a hope to understand what data they are looking at. --> --> Also please include a <unit> where appropriate. Many of the descriptions mentioned the unit. EX: POS_12V has "volt" --> kem2_cal only: For the Error array and Data quality array objects, consider changing its type from Array_2D to Array_2D_Image and provide display information as was done in v1.0 of KEM1 data collections. --> --> Also please consider adding a slightly more verbose description of these objects to help the user know what is good vs bad values. --> --> In the migrated effort, these values are also defined for the user in <sb:Ancillary_Data_Objects> <sb:Quality_Maps> so the user is not guessing what the values mean. =============================================== Comments for: nh_pepssi file: 'nh_pepssi/bundle.lblx' --> Missing the Investigation_Area for KEM and KEM2. Currently only NH exists. Please add. --> The Citation_Information.description mentions that the data is raw and processed, and there are calibation files to calibrate from raw to processed. Why "processed" instead of "calibrated"? The data collections state "Calibrated" in the <processing_level>. --> The Modification_History entry for v2.0 is misleading. Suggest to say that new KEM2 and updated KEM1 data collections for K7 delivery provided by New Horizons SOC (or something similar). --> Reminder to backfil Modification_History entry for v1.0. --> The <Bundle_Member_Entry> for calibration_files should have the <reference_type> corrected to "bundle_has_calibration_collection" from "bundle_has_data_collection". directory: 'nh_pepssi/calibration_files/' --> There are only two tables in this collection. They are unchanged from the migration efforts. --> Note that the rateboxdefinitionplanes product was not provided. --> Note that the CALPARS were not provided for KEM2. SBN believes they are using the same one as for KEM1. --> SBN hopes to release their migrated collection sometime around the peer review. --> Looking at the files, the SBN copy may be in better shape, more details, etc. --> file 'nh_pepssi/calibration_files/collection.lblx' --> --> Please update the Citation_Information.description (I.e. Abstract of the collection). It currently matches that of the bundle and is not a relevant reflection of the collection. --> --> Missing the Investigation_Area for KEM and KEM2. Currently only NH exists. Please add. --> --> time values not needed for calibration products files: 'nh_pepssi/kem[12]_{raw,cal}/collection.lblx' --> KEM1 only: The version_id for these KEM1 collections should be 2.0 not 1.0. --> KEM1 only: The <title> does not differentiate between KEM1 Encounter data and KEM Cruise 1 data. Recommend using the title listed in v1.0. --> KEM1 only: Citation_information.editor_list: Recommend adding back editors from v1.0 due to the bulk effort of v1.0 compared to small additions to v2.0. Feel free to reorder. --> KEM1 only: Please update the Citation_Information.description since it implies the entire KEM1 mission, though it is only for the Encounter phase. I recommend copying the v1.0 and updating. --> Please expand the Citation_Information.description (I.e. Abstract of the collection). Recommended to include any highlights for the instrument, time range and/or mission phase of data, primary target(s) if any, instrument full name, the text "New Horizons", data processing level, and any big version changes (i.e. added data or re-calibrated). See other releases from the NH SOC earlier in the mission for examples. --> KEM1 only: In the Modification_History for v2.0, please further expand the <description> to mention added additional data and/or versioning prior data products. --> Recommend slightly expanding the Modification_History to say for K7 delivery. --> KEM1 only: Ensure the start_date_time and stop_date_time values reflect the entire collection (including v1.0 products) instead of just the new/updated contents found in v2.0. --> Please add appropriate Science_Facets to the Context_Area.Primary_Result_Summary --> KEM2 raw only: The Investigation_Area LID should be for mission.new_horizons_kem2 not mission.new_horizons --> In the Reference_List, please add the Internal_Reference to the overview document with a LIDVID. --> Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the nh_documents:mission and nh_documents:[instrument] collections. References are not inherited from the bundle.lblx. --> In the past the target has been SOLAR WIND, but now it is Arrokoth for kem1_* and "space" for kem2_*. This doesn't make sense for most of the data. The data in these collections say the target is "Particles", which also does not match. --> kem*_raw only: Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the corresponding kem*_cal LID and the calibration_files LID. --> kem*_cal only: Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the corresponding kem*_raw LIDVID and the calibration_files LIDVID. --> Reference_List: The reference to urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:mission:nh_mission_overview is for the New Horizons prime mission, not either extended mission. Should it point instead to the KEM1 or KEM2 mission overview? files: 'nh_pepssi/kem*/pep*.lblx' --> Suggest using meta kernel(s) instead of specifying each individual spice kernel, if appropriate. --> Target_Identification: I noticed you are using the target Particles (type=Dust) instead of Solar Wind (type=Plasma Stream). Why? --> --> urn:nasa:pds:context:target:dust.interstellar_particles vs urn:nasa:pds:context:target:plasma_stream.solar_wind --> In the Pha Electron binary table, the Cross_Talk_Indicator field should be of type "ASCII_String" not "SignedByte". --> In the Pha Low Ion binary table, the H0 and H1 fields should be of type "ASCII_String" not "SignedByte". --> In the Pha High Ion binary table, the Cross_Talk_Indicator, H0, and H1 fields should be of type "ASCII_String" not "SignedByte". --> When describing each FITS header, it is very generic. If you could add a name, it would be clear what they are the header for. files: 'nh_pepssi/kem*_cal/pep*.lblx' --> The Array_2D_Spectrum do not have any display settings. --> Reference_List: Note that in general, when calibrated products are referencing calibration products or source raw product, they should be LIDVID references, not LID references since the user needs to know exactly what file was used to produce the product they are looking at, not the most recent version of that calibration or raw product. --> Note that additional calibration information is buried in <descriptions>. Should this be somewhere more computer readable? --> Are there any calibration files to reference? I see calibration values located in the field descriptions at times and we have a calibration_files collection with nothing being referred to. --> Please add back a description of the Array_2D_Spectrum. It helps to understand what is going on in the table. For instance for the Spec_Helium_Image, it tells the user each bin is 0.016666667 hours width. --> --> Without the description, it is unclear what the Array_2D_Spectrum of name PRIMARY is. I believe it is the PHA_Spectrogram. Versioned data products expected found, but they currently state they are version 1.0, but should be v2.0: * kem1_*/overview.lblx * kem1_*/pep_0408261117_0x691_{eng,sci}.lblx * kem1_*/pep_0408347517_0x691_{eng,sci}.lblx * kem1_*/pep_0510990716_0x691_{eng,sci}.lblx * kem1_*/pep_0511077116_0x691_{eng,sci}.lblx * kem1_*/pep_0511163516_0x691_{eng,sci}.lblx * kem1_*/pep_0511249916_0x691_{eng,sci}.lblx * kem1_*/pep_0511336316_0x691_{eng,sci}.lblx * kem1_*/pep_0511422716_0x691_{eng,sci}.lblx * kem1_*/pep_0511509116_0x691_{eng,sci}.lblx * kem1_*/pep_0511595516_0x691_{eng,sci}.lblx * kem1_*/pep_0511681916_0x691_{eng,sci}.lblx * kem1_*/pep_0511768316_0x691_{eng,sci}.lblx * kem1_*/pep_0511854716_0x691_{eng,sci}.lblx --> Also please add modification_history, mentioning new data and reprocessed labels. Products LIDs duplicated from K5: Are these unexpected new versions? The checksums are different. * urn:nasa:pds:nh_pepssi:kem1_raw:pep_0408433917_0x691_eng::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_pepssi:kem1_raw:pep_0408520317_0x691_eng::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_pepssi:kem1_raw:pep_0408606717_0x691_eng::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_pepssi:kem1_raw:pep_0408693117_0x691_eng::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_pepssi:kem1_cal:pep_0408433917_0x691_sci::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_pepssi:kem1_cal:pep_0408520317_0x691_sci::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_pepssi:kem1_cal:pep_0408606717_0x691_sci::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_pepssi:kem1_cal:pep_0408693117_0x691_sci::1.0 --> If they are not new and contain no new data, can they be withdrawn? files: 'nh_pepssi/kem1_{raw,cal}/overview.lblx --> Strongly suggest using the overview document DOCX from v1.0 and updating it. =============================================== Comments for: nh_rex Note there are no more REX data for KEM1 after K5 per SOC. Note TNF files per SOC: "K7 has no TNF files because REX had no uplink activity during the K7 timeframe. The REX files in K7 are from an 'in-situ dust test'." file: 'nh_rex/bundle.lblx' --> Missing the Investigation_Area for KEM and KEM2. Currently only NH exists. Please add. --> The Citation_Information.description mentions that the data is raw and processed, and there are calibation files to calibrate from raw to processed. Why "processed" instead of "calibrated"? The data collections state "Calibrated" in the <processing_level. --> The Modification_History entry for v2.0 is misleading. Suggest to say that new KEM2 data collections for K7 delivery provided by New Horizons SOC (or something similar). --> Reminder to backfil Modification_History entry for v1.0. file: 'nh_rex/readme.txt' --> Should we update the NH SOC contact to be Joel Parker? Context Reference Name mismatch: Within the PDS label(s), suggested to fix/update the <name> values for these LID references to be consistant: --> urn:nasa:pds:context:facility:observatory.dsn to "Deep Space Network" from "Dsn" --> urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.nh to "New Horizons" from "New Horizons Spacecraft" --> urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:nh.rex to "Radio Science Experiment" from "REX" (note the full name is in a description, just pull it out and put it as the name) files: 'nh_rex/kem2_{raw,cal}/collection.lblx' --> Please update the Citation_Information.description (I.e. Abstract of the collection). It currently matches that of the bundle and is not a relevant reflection of the collection. Recommended to include any highlights for the instrument, time range and/or mission phase of data, primary target(s) if any, instrument full name, the text "New Horizons", data processing level, and any big version changes (i.e. added data or re-calibrated). --> Recommend slightly expanding the Modification_History to say for K7 delivery. --> Please add appropriate Science_Facets to the Context_Area.Primary_Result_Summary --> The Investigation_Area should be for mission.new_horizons_kem2 not mission.new_horizons --> Target_Identification: This lists "space" as the target, but the data products never use this target. This does not make sense. --> In the Reference_List, please add the Internal_Reference to the overview document with a LIDVID. --> Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the nh_documents:mission and nh_documents:[instrument] collections. References are not inherited from the bundle.lblx. --> kem*_raw only: Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the corresponding kem*_cal LID --> kem*_cal only: Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the corresponding kem*_raw LIDVID --> Reference_List: The reference to urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:mission:nh_mission_overview is for the New Horizons prime mission, not either extended mission. Should it point instead to the KEM1 or KEM2 mission overview? files: 'nh_rex/kem2_*/r*lblx' --> The nh dictionary needs to be updated to include nh:REX_Radiometry_Information and its children. This will necessitate a dictionary version change. --> Suggest using meta kernel(s) instead of specifying each individual spice kernel, if appropriate. --> Except for the rex_* data (which is "DSN"), why is the target "Dust"? Is this correct? files: 'nh_rex/kem2_cal/r*.lblx' --> Reference_List: Note that in general, when calibrated products are referencing calibration products or source raw product, they should be LIDVID references, not LID references since the user needs to know exactly what file was used to produce the product they are looking at, not the most recent version of that calibration or raw product. Please change the reference to the raw product to LIDVID from LID. =============================================== Comments for: nh_sdc Author Name adjustment --> Recommend updating all <author_list> entries of "Horanyi, M." to "Horányi, M." (note the accented character) Context Reference Name mismatch: Within the PDS label(s), suggested to fix/update the <name> values for these LID references to be consistant: --> urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:nh.sdc to "Student Dust Counter" from "SDC" --> urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.nh to "New Horizons" from "New Horizons Spacecraft" --> urn:nasa:pds:context:target:trans-neptunian_object.486958_2014_mu69 to "(486958) Arrokoth" from "Arrokoth" file: 'nh_sdc/bundle.lblx' --> Suggest updating <title> to "New Horizons Student Dust Counter (SDC) Instrument Archive Bundle" to match v1.0. --> The Citation_Information.description mentions that the data is raw and processed, and there are calibation files to calibrate from raw to processed. Why "processed" instead of "calibrated"? The data collections state "Calibrated" in the <processing_level. --> Please expand the Citation_Information.description (I.e. Abstract of the collection). Recommended to include any highlights for the instrument, time range and/or mission phase of data, primary target(s) if any, instrument full name, the text "New Horizons", data processing level, and any big version changes (i.e. added data or re-calibrated). See other releases from the NH SOC earlier in the mission for examples. --> The Modification_History entry for v2.0 is misleading. Suggest to say that new KEM2 and updated KEM1 data collections for K7 delivery provided by New Horizons SOC (or something similar). --> Reminder to backfil Modification_History entry for v1.0. --> Missing the Investigation_Area for KEM and KEM2. Currently only NH exists. Please add. --> Typo in Reference_List entry for urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:sdc comment: "REX" => "SDC" --> The <Bundle_Member_Entry> for calibration_files should have the <reference_type> corrected to "bundle_has_calibration_collection" from "bundle_has_data_collection". file: 'nh_sdc/readme.txt' --> Should we update the NH SOC contact to be Joel Parker? --> Recommend updating single instance of "Mihaly Horanyi" to "Mihály Horányi" (note the accented characters) directory: 'calibration_files/' --> Released v1.0 of this collection is formated differently, splitting tables by channel, and not naming them quite the same way. Will need to sort out how to version things and relate them to the new tables. --> --> Review version (v2.0) has only 3 calibration products verse 42 tabels (and one condensed source file) in released v1.0. file: 'nh_sdc/calibration_files/collection.lblx' --> The version_id for this collection should be 2.0 not 1.0. --> Recommend keeping the <title> from v1.0 --> Recommend keeping the Citation_Information.description from v1.0. --> Recommend merging editors lists with those from v1.0 due to most products coming from there. --> Recommend slightly expanding the Modification_History to say for K7 delivery. --> The Investigation_Area should also include for mission.new_horizons_kem1 and mission.new_horizons_kem2. files: 'nh_sdc/kem[12]_{raw,cal}/collection.lblx' --> KEM1 only: The version_id for these KEM1 collections should be 2.0 not 1.0. --> KEM1 only: The <title> does not differentiate between KEM1 Encounter data and KEM Cruise 1 data. Recommend using the title listed in v1.0. --> KEM1 only: Citation_information.editor_list: Recommend adding back editors from v1.0 due to the bulk effort of v1.0 compared to small additions to v2.0. Feel free to reorder. --> KEM1 only: Please update the Citation_Information.description since it implies the entire KEM1 mission, though it is only for the Encounter phase. I recommend copying the v1.0 and updating. --> Please expand the Citation_Information.description (I.e. Abstract of the collection). Recommended to include any highlights for the instrument, time range and/or mission phase of data, primary target(s) if any, instrument full name, the text "New Horizons", data processing level, and any big version changes (i.e. added data or re-calibrated). See other releases from the NH SOC earlier in the mission for examples. --> --> Note that the KEM2 information is a copy from the bundle and should be updated. --> KEM1 only: In the Modification_History for v2.0, please further expand the <description> to mention added additional data and/or versioning prior data products. --> Recommend slightly expanding the Modification_History to say for K7 delivery. --> KEM1 only: Ensure the start_date_time and stop_date_time values reflect the entire collection (including v1.0 products) instead of just the new/updated contents found in v2.0. --> Please add appropriate Science_Facets to the Context_Area.Primary_Result_Summary --> KEM2 raw only: The Investigation_Area should be for mission.new_horizons_kem2 not mission.new_horizons --> Target_Identification: KEM1 lists Arrokoth as the target and KEM2 lists "space". None of the data products lists these. I understand why for KEM1 the target may be listed as Arrokoth, but not why KEM2 is listed as "space". I would suggest at least adding (if not replacing with) "Dust" as a target as well, since that is the primary target of this instrument throughout all mission phases of this spacecraft. --> In the Reference_List, please add the Internal_Reference to the overview document with a LIDVID. --> Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the nh_documents:mission and nh_documents:[instrument] collections. References are not inherited from the bundle.lblx. --> kem*_raw only: Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the corresponding kem*_cal LID and the calibration_files LID. --> kem*_cal only: Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the corresponding kem*_raw LIDVID and the calibration_files LIDVID. --> Reference_List: The reference to urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:mission:nh_mission_overview is for the New Horizons prime mission, not either extended mission. Should it point instead to the KEM1 or KEM2 mission overview? files: 'nh_sdc/kem[12]_{raw,cal}/overview.txt' --> Recommend updating single instance of "Mihaly Horanyi" to "Mihály Horányi" (note the accented characters) --> Strongly suggest using the overview document DOCX from v1.0 and updating it. files: 'nh_sdc/kem1_{raw,cal}/overview.lblx --> Please version this VID to 2.0 from 1.0, since 1.0 is released and publicly available. files: 'nh_sdc/kem*_{raw,cal}/sdc_*lblx --> Note: Confirmed no duplicate redelivered LIDs for KEM1 from v1.0 --> kem*_cal only: Reference_List: Note that in general, when calibrated products are referencing calibration products or source raw product, they should be LIDVID references, not LID references since the user needs to know exactly what file was used to produce the product they are looking at, not the most recent version of that calibration or raw product. Please change the reference to the raw product to LIDVID from LID. --> Suggest using meta kernel(s) instead of specifying each individual spice kernel, if appropriate. --> Suggest adding a name or description for each FITS header object to help distinguish one from another and what it is related to. --> Please add back the field descriptions. They are helpful to the user. They can be found in PDS3 or kem1_* v1.0. --> --> This may also include adding Units found in said description (example field CDH_SDC_M5_VOLT or CDH_TEMP_SDC_ELEC). --> Note that no unit is specified, but should for many fields. =============================================== Comments for: nh_swap Context Reference Name mismatch: Within the PDS label(s), suggested to fix/update the <name> values for these LID references to be consistant: --> urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:nh.swap to "Solar Wind Around Pluto" from "SWAP" --> urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.nh to "New Horizons" from "New Horizons Spacecraft" file: 'nh_swap/bundle.lblx' --> Recommend updating the title to "New Horizons Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) Instrument Archive Bundle" --> The Citation_Information.description mentions that the data is raw and processed, and there are calibation files to calibrate from raw to processed. Why "processed" instead of "calibrated"? The data collections state "Calibrated" in the <processing_level. --> --> I recommend keeping the value from v1.0: This bundle contains collections of raw and calibrated data from the Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) instrument onboard the New Horizons spacecraft, as well as a data summary plots collection, a calibration collection of ancillary files used to calibrate the data from raw to calibrated, and a trajectory collection with the New Horizons (NH) spacecraft trajectory in various reference frames. --> The Modification_History entry for v2.0 is misleading. Suggest to say that new KEM2 and updated KEM1 data collections for K7 delivery provided by New Horizons SOC (or something similar). --> Reminder to backfil Modification_History entry for v1.0. --> Missing the Investigation_Area for KEM and KEM2. Currently only NH exists. Please add. --> The <Bundle_Member_Entry> for calibration_files should have the <reference_type> corrected to "bundle_has_calibration_collection" from "bundle_has_data_collection". --> We will need to update the member entries with those missing from v1.0 and correcting to v2.0 for others. directory: 'nh_swap/calibration_files/' --> All LIDs (and VID, except one) match with the migrated collection, but the files are different. First they were fixed width table files, now they are fixed width CSV files (with headers). Also from first glance, in some cases the decimal places are different but perhaps the same? Exceptions noted below: --> --> list_energy_files.csv VID should be "2.0". In the migrated collection there is a v1 and v2 file. The data match the v2 except it is a CSV instead of tab delimited. Note that this LIDVID is not referenced in any other label, so no other updates needed. --> There appears to be no new products, just reformatted, and if this is true, recommend withdrawing this collection. Here are some brief notes on changes: --> --> background_009_dca_jup: TAB to CSV; Columns in different order; --> --> esa_shape: TAB to DAT (CSV); column header added; lower precision in column 2. --> --> list_energy_file: TAB to CSV; data unchanged; --> --> overview: Needs versioning --> --> rpa_shape: TAB to DAT (CSV); column header added; lower precision in column 2. file: 'nh_swap/calibration_files/collection.lblx' --> The version_id for this collection should be 2.0 not 1.0. --> Recommended copying over Citation_Information.description from v1.0 --> If new products are not replacing old products from 1.0, recommend merging editor lists. --> Recommend slightly expanding the Modification_History to say for K7 delivery. files: 'nh_swap/kem[12]_{raw,cal}/collection.lblx' --> KEM1 only: The version_id for these KEM1 collections should be 2.0 not 1.0. --> KEM1 only: The <title> does not differentiate between KEM1 Encounter data and KEM Cruise 1 data. Recommend using the title listed in v1.0. --> KEM1 only: Ask to include D. McComas as an author since the bulk of the data inherited from v1.0 are still in this collection and he was the author. --> KEM1 only: Recommend merging editors lists with those from v1.0 due to most products coming from there. --> KEM1 only: Please update the Citation_Information.description since it implies the entire KEM1 mission, though it is only for the Encounter phase. I recommend copying the v1.0 and updating. --> Please expand the Citation_Information.description (I.e. Abstract of the collection). Recommended to include any highlights for the instrument, time range and/or mission phase of data, primary target(s) if any, instrument full name, the text "New Horizons", data processing level, and any big version changes (i.e. added data or re-calibrated). See other releases from the NH SOC earlier in the mission for examples. --> Recommend slightly expanding the Modification_History to say for K7 delivery. --> KEM1 only: Ensure the start_date_time and stop_date_time values reflect the entire collection (including v1.0 products) instead of just the new/updated contents found in v2.0. --> Please add appropriate Science_Facets to the Context_Area.Primary_Result_Summary --> In the Reference_List, please add the Internal_Reference to the overview document with a LIDVID. --> Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the nh_documents:mission and nh_documents:[instrument] collections. References are not inherited from the bundle.lblx. --> kem*_raw only: Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the corresponding kem*_cal LID and the calibration_files LID. --> kem*_cal only: Please add to the Reference_List an Internal_Reference to the corresponding kem*_raw LIDVID and the calibration_files LIDVID. --> Reference_List: The reference to urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:mission:nh_mission_overview is for the New Horizons prime mission, not either extended mission. Should it point instead to the KEM1 or KEM2 mission overview? files: 'nh_swap/kem*/swa*.lblx' --> 0x586 images do not appear to have display instructions --> Suggest using meta kernel(s) instead of specifying each individual spice kernel, if appropriate. --> Suggest adding the sb:Observation_Parameters for Exposure and Timing --> Suggest including the <name> for all FITS Headers, to help associate which header if for what. This especially helpful when there only headers and no data. --> Please add back the <description> values for fields. They were provided in PDS3, and are helpful for understanding the fields. --> --> RAW only: This also includes grabbing units from the PDS3 description and adding a <unit> keyword. See examples from kem1_* v1.0 collections. files: 'nh_swap/kem*_cal/swa*.lblx' --> Are there any calibration files to reference? --> Reference_List: Note that in general, when calibrated products are referencing calibration products or source raw product, they should be LIDVID references, not LID references since the user needs to know exactly what file was used to produce the product they are looking at, not the most recent version of that calibration or raw product. --> If ambitious, recommend linking the corresponding summary plots to each data product. Versioned data products expected found, but they currently state they are version 1.0, but should be v2.0: * urn:nasa:pds:nh_swap:kem1_raw:swa_0513129600_0x585_eng::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_swap:kem1_raw:swa_0513216000_0x585_eng::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_swap:kem1_raw:swa_0513302400_0x585_eng::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_swap:kem1_raw:swa_0513388800_0x585_eng::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_swap:kem1_raw:swa_0513475200_0x585_eng::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_swap:kem1_raw:swa_0513561600_0x585_eng::1.0 --> Also please add modification_history, mentioning new data and reprocessed labels. Products LIDs duplicated from K5: Are these unexpected new versions? The checksums are different. * urn:nasa:pds:nh_swap:kem1_raw:swa_0513129632_0x586_eng::1.0 * urn:nasa:pds:nh_swap:kem1_cal:swa_0513129632_0x586_sci::1.0 --> If they are not new and contain no new data, can they be withdrawn? files: 'nh_swap/kem1_{raw,cal}/overview.lblx --> Please version this VID to 2.0 from 1.0, since 1.0 is released and publicly available. --> Strongly suggest using the overview document DOCX from v1.0 and updating it. file: 'nh_swap/kem1_cal/overview.lblx' --> line 17 ends in "</author_list>" but should be "</editor_list>" Trajectory files --> For K5 migration, these were turned into their own collection. I recommend updating all these labels from v1.0 with the new data products. --> The provided collection.lblx was quickly put together by SBN:TB for posting purposes. Feel free to use it as a template for v2.0. --> In v1.0, SBN cited the spice data set with DOI 10.17189/1520109 since these products are based on those kernels. Note that the the nh_documents/swap/kem*_summary_plots are to be moved to their own collection with in this swap bundle. --> There should be one label per summary plot, instead of one label for each time division. --> Note that the KEM1 plots only include data delivered during K6 and K7, excluding K5 cumulative set of products. Recommend generating these files for all KEM1 Encounter data, not just for data delivered during KEM2 (K6 & K7). --> --> SOC said this may be possible.