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Please provide feedback on the SBN website.


Please provide feedback on the MPC website.

PDS/SBN New Horizons Pluto Encounter Review

University of Maryland, College Park, PSC 1136.

Detailed directions are on the logistics page!

19-20 May 2016


Last update:Wednesday October 19, 2022, EMW

Adobe Connect/Telecon instructions and a cast of characters  follow.

This is a tentative schedule. Every effort will be made to finish on Thursday. The PEPSSI and REX start times are fixed, but as time allows, other instruments will get shifted.

Thursday, 19 May 2016, 8:00 am -- 5:45pm EDT

PSC 1136

ID Data Set Lead/Second Reviewer Start Time (EDT)
Arrive, get settled,... 8:00 am
Opening Remarks 8:15 am
NH-P-PEPSSI-2-PLUTO-V1.0 New Horizons PEPSSI Pluto Encounter Raw Data Joy/Frahm 8:30 am
NH-P-PEPSSI-3-PLUTO-V1.0 New Horizons PEPSSI Pluto Encounter Calibrated Data 9:00 am
NH-P-SWAP-2-PLUTO-V1.0 New Horizons SWAP Pluto Encounter Raw Data Frahm/Joy 9:30 am
NH-P-SWAP-3-PLUTO-V1.0 New Horizons SWAP Pluto Encounter Calibrated Data 10:00 am
Coffee Break 10:30 am
NH-P-REX-2-PLUTO-V1.0 New Horizons REX Pluto Encounter Raw Data Simpson/Buccino 10:45 am
NH-P-REX-3-PLUTO-V1.0 New Horizons REX Pluto Encounter Calibrated Data 11:15 am
Lunch 11:45 am
NH-P-SDC-2-PLUTO-V1.0 New Horizons SDC Pluto Encounter Raw Data Poppe/Gaier 1:30 pm
NH-P-SDC-3-PLUTO-V1.0 New Horizons SDC Pluto Encounter Calibrated Data 2:00 pm
NH-P-MVIC-2-PLUTO-V1.0 New Horizons MVIC Pluto Encounter Raw Data Li/Farnham 2:30 pm
NH-P-MVIC-3-PLUTO-V1.0 New Horizons MVIC Pluto Encounter Calibrated Data 3:00 pm
Coffee Break 3:30 pm
NH-P-LORRI-2-PLUTO-V1.0 New Horizons LORRI Pluto Encounter Raw Data Farnham/Zou 3:45 pm
NH-P-LORRI-3-PLUTO-V1.0 New Horizons LORRI Pluto Encounter Calibrated Data 4:15 pm
NH-P-ALICE-2-PLUTO-V1.0 New Horizons ALICE Pluto Encounter Raw Data Feaga/Hewagama 4:45 pm
NH-P-ALICE-3-PLUTO-V1.0 New Horizons ALICE Pluto Encounter Calibrated Data 5:15 pm
Finish day 1 05:45 pm

Friday, 20 May 2016, 8:45 am -- 10:15 am EDT

PSC 3150

ID Data Set Lead/Second Reviewer Start Time (EDT)
Arrive, get settled,... 8:45 am
NH-P-LEISA-2-PLUTO-V1.0 New Horizons LEISA Pluto Encounter Raw Data Hewagama/Thomas 09:00 am
NH-P-LEISA-3-PLUTO-V1.0 New Horizons LEISA Pluto Encounter Calibrated Data 09:30 am
Finish day 2 10:00 am

WebEx and telecon instructions

To join the online Adobe Connect web meeting, please go to Once there you can join as a guest or you can log in with your Adobe Connect login if you have one. All presentations will be shown here. Once you have joined the meeting, click on the phone icon near the top center of the screen to connect your audio. You will be given the option to call using your computer, or you may instead choose to dial in using the teleconference number provided. This teleconference information is given below for your convenience:

If you are the first to call in, you will hear silence until the next caller arrives. If you call in too early, the pass code will not be accepted and you will have to call back. In case of problems, you can try to reach Anne Raugh or Tilden Barnes by email, but your best option is to call Ludmilla Kolokolova (SBN) at 301-405-1539 o, 301-675-5905 c.


Note that some may be present only by telecon.

External Reviewers

PDS Small Bodies Node

Data providers