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Welcome to the New Horizons KEM2 K7 Peer Review

Review Meeting Date: 10-11 Feb 2025


Last update:Friday March 07, 2025, EMW

Introduction to the PDS SBN and the review process

The PDS Small Bodies Node is a discipline node of the Planetary Data System (PDS) charged with archiving data concerning comets, asteroids and interplanetary dust. The PDS archive is a "deep archive," intended to contain sufficient documentation and ancillary data for future scientists to interpret and use the data long after the original scientists or teams are no longer available to help. It is also intended to provide useful data to researchers in a convenient way at the present time. In reviewing the data you should keep in mind these two complementary goals of preserving the data in a way useable to future generations and making the data easily accessible to current researchers.

How to review the data

All reviewers should read the Instructions for Reviewers and Minimum Required Feedback. Reviewers who are new to PDS should also consult How to Approach a PDS4 Data Set.

The Review Meeting

The review period starts on 18 Dec 2024 and culminates in the review meeting held on 10-11 Feb 2025. The review meeting will be held online/virtually.

Meeting Documents:

For each data set, liens collected during the review as well as liens and corrections reported prior to the review are gathered into list(s). These final liens will be posted in the table below after the review.

Any notes and/or presentations should be sent to Ludmilla Kolokolova AND COPIED to Elizabeth Warner.
lkolokol [at]
ewarner [at]

The Data

To browse the data, use the links below. Links to download each of the data sets are available on the individual data set pages. The data sets listed are available to reviewers via a username and password that will be distributed with the meeting information.

The lead reviewer and backup reviewer are indicated after each data set.

Data Sets to be Reviewed

All data sets are presented in a PDS4 structure (with some additional support files for the review).

Instrument Data Set ID Contents Lead Reviewer Second Reviewer Post-review Liens
NH Mission urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:mission::3.0 New Horizons Mission Documents v3.0 Everyone Everyone nh_k7_liens.txt"
NH Alice urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:alice::2.0 New Horizons Documents for the Alice Instrument v.2.0 John Noonan Lori Feaga
(Reference only; not under review)
New Horizons Alice Reference Files Used in Calibrating Data
urn:nasa:pds:nh_alice:kem2_raw::1.0 New Horizons Alice KEM2 Raw Data
urn:nasa:pds:nh_alice:kem2_cal::1.0 New Horizons Alice KEM2 Calibrated Data
NH LEISA urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:ralph::3.0 New Horizons Documents for the Ralph Instrument Package v3.0 Adam McKay Olga Harrington Pinto
(Reference only; not under review)
New Horizons LEISA Reference Files Used in Calibrating Data
urn:nasa:pds:nh_leisa:kem1_raw::2.0 New Horizons LEISA KEM1 Encounter Raw Data v2.0
urn:nasa:pds:nh_leisa:kem1_cal::2.0 New Horizons LEISA KEM1 Encounter Calibrated Data v2.0
NH LORRI urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:lorri::2.0 New Horizons Documents for the LORRI Instrument v2.0 Xiaoduan Zou Bryan Holler
(Reference only; not under review)
New Horizons LORRI Reference Files Used in Calibrating Data
urn:nasa:pds:nh_lorri:kem1_raw::2.0 New Horizons LORRI KEM1 Encounter Raw Data v2.0
urn:nasa:pds:nh_lorri:kem1_cal::2.0 New Horizons LORRI KEM1 Encounter Calibrated Data v2.0
urn:nasa:pds:nh_lorri:kem2_raw::1.0 New Horizons LORRI KEM2 Raw Data
urn:nasa:pds:nh_lorri:kem2_cal::1.0 New Horizons LORRI KEM2 Calibrated Data
NH MVIC urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:ralph::3.0 New Horizons Documents for the Ralph Instrument Package v3.0 Bryan Holler Xiaoduan Zou
(Reference only; not under review)
New Horizons MVIC Reference Files Used in Calibrating Data
urn:nasa:pds:nh_mvic:kem2_raw::1.0 New Horizons MVIC KEM2 Encounter Raw Data
urn:nasa:pds:nh_mvic:kem2_cal::1.0 New Horizons MVIC KEM2 Encounter Calibrated Data
NH PEPSSI urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:pepssi::2.0 New Horizons Documents for the PEPSSI Instrument v2.0 Steve Joy Rudy Frahm
urn:nasa:pds:nh_pepssi:calibration_files::2.0 New Horizons PEPSSI Reference Files Used in Calibrating Data v2.0
urn:nasa:pds:nh_pepssi:kem1_raw::2.0 New Horizons PEPSSI KEM1 Encounter Raw Data v2.0
urn:nasa:pds:nh_pepssi:kem1_cal::2.0 New Horizons PEPSSI KEM1 Encounter Calibrated Data v2.0
urn:nasa:pds:nh_pepssi:kem2_raw::1.0 New Horizons PEPSSI KEM2 Raw Data
urn:nasa:pds:nh_pepssi:kem2_cal::1.0 New Horizons PEPSSI KEM2 Calibrated Data
NH REX urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:rex::2.0 New Horizons Documents for the REX Instrument v2.0 Dustin Buccino Danny Kahan
urn:nasa:pds:nh_rex:kem2_raw::1.0 New Horizons REX KEM2 Raw Data
urn:nasa:pds:nh_rex:kem2_cal::1.0 New Horizons REX KEM2 Calibrated Data
NH SDC urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:sdc::2.0 New Horizons Documents for the SDC Instrument v2.0 David Malaspina Jamey Szalay
urn:nasa:pds:nh_sdc:calibration_files::2.0 New Horizons SDC Reference Files Used in Calibrating Data v2.0
urn:nasa:pds:nh_sdc:kem1_raw::2.0 New Horizons SDC KEM1 Encounter Raw Data v2.0
urn:nasa:pds:nh_sdc:kem1_cal::2.0 New Horizons SDC KEM1 Encounter Calibrated Data v2.0
urn:nasa:pds:nh_sdc:kem2_raw::1.0 New Horizons SDC KEM2 Raw Data
urn:nasa:pds:nh_sdc:kem2_cal::1.0 New Horizons SDC KEM2 Calibrated Data
NH SWAP urn:nasa:pds:nh_documents:swap::2.0 New Horizons Documents for the SWAP Instrument v2.0 Rudy Frahm Steve Joy
urn:nasa:pds:nh_swap:calibration_files::2.0 New Horizons SWAP Reference Files Used in Calibrating Data v2.0
urn:nasa:pds:nh_swap:kem1_raw::2.0 New Horizons SWAP KEM1 Encounter Raw Data v2.0
urn:nasa:pds:nh_swap:kem1_cal::2.0 New Horizons SWAP KEM1 Encounter Calibrated Data v2.0
urn:nasa:pds:nh_swap:kem2_raw::1.0 New Horizons SWAP KEM2 Encounter Raw Data
urn:nasa:pds:nh_swap:kem2_cal::1.0 New Horizons SWAP KEM2 Encounter Calibrated Data
urn:nasa:pds:nh_swap:trajectory::2.0 New Horizons Spacecraft Trajectory
Published Works & Various GBTs urn:nasa:pds:compil-comet:polarimetry::3.0 Database of Comet Polarimetry v3.0 Yuna Kwon Mike Kelley See presentations from Kwon and Kelley
Lowell urn:nasa:pds:gbo-lowell:lowell_comet_images::1.0 Lowell Narrowband Comet Imaging: 2018 May - 2021 Apr Mike Kelley Yuna Kwon lowell_comet_images_liens.txt

Supplemental Files: